Shirl the Tadpole's Homepage
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To all M206rs for 2001 ( and anyone else who's wandered here out of curiosity)welcome to my homepage.

As visible frogs slow First Class too much, This is my way of overcoming the problem.

Well I made it. In 2001 I became a fully qulaified Phrog and went on via T209, T305 and U316 to pass my BSc.

M 206 is now sadly defunt but its memory lives on in two 30 point courses.

All polite comments are welcome
Courtesy of Ian I tried a froggy site with lots of froggy thing on it - see my links page. I couldn't resist opening an email acount with the address Perfect isn't it?

Put a message on my noticeboard - PLEASE

My Corkboard

How I used to look during M206

Site for 2001 M206rs